My Cat – Your Dog Must be Cat-Friendly or Cat-Indifferent

Your Dog Must be Cat-Friendly or Cat-Indifferent

Willow My Feral House Cat Assistant

Willow is my feral house cat. She will be assisting me in caring for your doggie.

She is people-shy and will hide under the bed when you and your dog come over.

She is dog-curious and dog-friendly but only when the house is quiet and calm and there is no ruckus.

She likes to supervise meal time.

Willow and her brothers and sisters were born down the street in July 2016 to a feral mom. I TNR’d them all.

One day in about 2017 she decided she wanted to come in my house. Although she has been pretty tough, now she is a mostly-indoor cat princess who sleeps the day away in the sun.