
Paperwork – Pet Profile
I’ll give you a “Pet Profile” (paper form) to fill out to help me understand your dog. This is where you tell me everything about your dog in writing. If you have any pre-written instructions or information you want to add I’d love to have that, too. The more the better, in my professional opinion.
  • Important – Please Note: If your dog is on medications please write down the last time you gave the meds so I know what time to continue from.

Paperwork – Pet Sitting Service Contract
We will fill out, review and sign a “Pet Sitting Service Contract” (paper form) that includes emergency contact information, your travel information, etc., as well as permission to administer medication, if necessary.

Paperwork – Contemporaneous Notes
I may take “contemporaneous notes” and photographs and/or videos to document any concerns and observations, etc., that I have about your dog regarding her/his health, safety, behavior, etc.